Sunday, November 26, 2006

I'm F-ing Super thanks for asking...

Things are going much better than I could have expected. I started dating Heather. That's going very very well. I just got a promotion at work which I'm stoked about. I'm now what is called a SRO, Security Relief Officer. Meaning when someone calls in at a Whelan account, some one short staffed, or it's an account that only needs a few hours of coverage I get called in. It's giving me a pay raise. On top of that say I don't work for a whole week, regardless of that I get paid for 32 hours. which fucking rocks. even on vacation I don't lose a dime. Now say I work 60 hours in a week that comes out in the wash like 40 hours at my regular time and then 20 hours at time and a half. It's like all the benefits of salary with none of the disadvantages. I'm acutally at work right now just chillin with my laptop. Yes I found a wifi hotspot and I'm very happy cause I'm stuck here for 12 hours so I'll now have something to do for a while. Granted every 2 hours I have to walk around this place but still I have my ipod so I can at least listen to music while I do a round. But seriously there isn't a damn thing to do here. I work a crap ton of hours last week. 52 hours. Plus this week, plus the overtime I'm already getting this week. I'm looking at pulling in at least a grand if not more. looking at maybe 100 hours on the check if the schedule stands the way it is. that's if between now and friday I don't get called in again which I seriously doubt that I won't get called in. Yes it kinda sucks but I'll get money and no real time to spend it which is kinda what I need to do so I can put money away to move out and crap. I'm tired of living with my mother and I'm going to be getting my own place very very soon. If I can't get a roommate I'm to the point where I'll say fuck it and live by myself. Plus to that is I can walk around nekkid all day which is fucking cool.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

it's all good baby

Yea i'm getting ready for work. I figured I'd try and get a little update out before I walk out the door. The blind date went really really well. We've been chillin and talkin and I like her. So fucking yey! Work will be boring today for some reason i'm on the swing shift today. blah... I can't wait untill tomorrow cause I get fucking paid! w00t. money money. meaning a. I can eat b. i can get real smokes. c. i can pay off the games for my wii. gonna be fun times looking like an ass playing zelda and shit. anyway i'm headed out to work


Sunday, November 05, 2006

I'M BORED! .....caps? really?

I'm at's sunday...meaning i'm fracking in hours go by and I have nothing to do. I brought my coffee pot, ipod, laptop, stuff to make smokes, food, and dvds. I'm still bored as hell. (See post below). As soon as I get out of here i'm headed out to beth's and olivia's to pick up das big tv. YeY! Tomorrow I have a "blind" date. Oj set me up with that one. I'm excited, nervous and a slew of other things. This means I should probally shave, shower and stuff tomorrow... of course I shower every day but shave? God, it's so much work, and annoying but I need to do it so I don't look like mountain man. I'm spaztic right now. running on 3 count them 3 (1,2,3) pots of coffee. BAHAHAHAHA! ??? don't know what that was. Seriously it's like a re re got my password and wrote this post. Maybe one did and I don't know it. I'll be tripping out tomorrow. OM Fracking G! BSG. Still need to catch up on the last two episodes of smallville and the last episode of heroes. God blessith das TiVo! Thing has saved my sanity.....what's left of it... oh oh oh I got mobile postings to work so now i can send in pictures from my cell phone. it needs editing when I get it on to the site but it's pretty cool just the same. So possibly you'll see pictures of yours truely and maybe even....YOU!!!! that's right YOU! can be on my moblog just let me know and I'll be like "click" (/emote makes stupid taking picture pose) and bam you'll be there, where all the "hip" kids hang out on these fancy blogs as they listen to there hip hop and won't get off my damn lawn......HYPER! HYPER! GO! GO!.....I like using .... do you? Well if you don't BAH! and meh to you. AV7x is on my laptop and it's fast and shit. I'm typing in rythem to it right now. it's frackin' fun you should try it. go on I'll wait. fun right? cause that shit's CRAZY! like my fingers are right now. so yea. bibbity bobbity boo bitches.

bryan...on cocaine (caffine)

i need to shave...

bored as hell @ work